Has anyone had a Dental Implant? Please comment?
Im 23 being ancient and I still have my baby teeth on the bottom, they are getting kind of loose now and my doctor recommends me to get them excrated and have ae bridge or implants, I want something that will last a very long time and that is permanent, so I was thinking about the dental impants, I’ve researched about it and there are some comments of people having terrible symptoms and effects after a year or months later. Can you tell me if this is a painful procedure, do they numb your mouth or place you to sleep for the surgery? how long is the screw, will I have a feeling that something is there with the screw? Im super frightened right now! and I want to know if this is the right option.
Typo error, I meant to say extracted on the second line.
Answer by pearlmar
I have no personal experience. Though I have a 72 year ancient friend who had all of her teeth extracted and replaced with implants and she said there was nothing to it.
Answer by SethSpeaks
I have a dental implant. It felt kind of tight or weird at first. It didn’t hurt but it was like some kind of pressure. Now being later it feels pretty normal. If I reckon about it, it is like I can feel the gone gap… but it isn’t terrible. And it is something I ignore easily. The experience for me was no worse than having a post set for a crown. I didn’t need anything stronger than motrin for the pain. I would search for a dentist who has done a lot of them and you will doubtless be fine.
Answer by skirickfiftyone
find a qualified oral surgeon(Implant specialist) they are very expensive and do require some major work to do.There is pain involved unless you are dead. I just had 8 implants done 6 on top all at once.Wouldn,t reccomend all at once for anyone.
Answer by Bill
Huge question, why didn’t your adult teeth come in? Why wasn’t your baby teeth removed so you adult teeth could grow in?
Anyway, on implants:
Have three, they’re fantastic and I’ve had no problems whatsoever. It’s been about 5 being now.
It’s a pretty pinched out procedure lasting about 6-7 months from start in anticipation of the crown is applied.
The procedure is not painful, possibly slightly uncomfortable but I don’t remember any pain.
I know I never took any prescription painkillers, possibly an advil or two for a day.
It’s vital to find a dentist who specializes in implants, usually an oral surgeon or perodontist.
Don’t go with a general dentist.
If done properly they will feel just like your regular teeth, work exactly like your regular teeth and last a lifetime.
Excellent Luck, at your age it’s your best option.
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Read this article:
cost dental implant surgery
Just now I had one of my top teeth extracted and the bone grafted. I was advised to quit smoking while the graft takes its time to heal. I am getting an implant in house of the gone tooth in 12 weeks. How long do I need to wait (after the implant) to smoke? I am aware of all the health risks of smoking and such, so no need to remind me
Answer by randall_nd
I would wait till I was about age 100 to resume smoking.
Answer by Wade Holland
You need to wait at least a week after the surgery. Why pay all that money for the implant and risk an infection. I’ve smoked for 20years. It’s hard to quit but I did it. And so can you. Give this a try. My sister got this for me and it’s the only thing that has ever worked. Excellent Luck.
Answer by JW
The longer you can wait the better. If you are looking for a specific digit I would say at least two weeks. Infection is not the main concern. Your body’s ability to heal is greatly reduced. A wound in a non-smoker will heal much quicker. The more time you stay away from nicotine the better the wound will heal. You are already aware of other problems with smoking so I will not go over these. Excellent Luck.
If you want to learn more about dental implants, check out:
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