Q&A: My dentist used dimond tool to grind super hard mental crown,my hearing has been damaged, could caused it?
My dentist didn’t care my strong objection of unfit tooth establish crown, he cemented the crown permanently, then under my strong protest, he agreed to replace it. He had to use Diamond to grind it to small post again. It took him nearly one hour to end the grinding work, I was so exhausted by the noise, the grinding friction and body position. May maybe that one hour grinding high right side noise and vibration hurt some of the right inner ear to cause hearing loss? thanks.
Answer by cookie b
maybe… an hour of that horrible drilling noise… i cant reckon of anything worse
Answer by Rosie
it may maybe yes, but i don’t reckon you would be able to pin it on your dentist. you would need proof and there’s no way to do that. you should just get another dentist quick. he sounds like an idiot.
Answer by Alena
You should use compazine, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://webmd18.notlong.com/AAta3U7
Answer by Dental4Less
I am not sure where you are from.. But I am in CA and every time I had any dental work done even just a cleaning I had to sign a form saying I am letting the dentist do the work before he would process with any work that was needed.
I never had a dentist do anything that I told him I did not want. In fact they wanted to do another deep cleaning when I just had one last year. I told him no way and it was not done. Also If by some chance I went to a dentist that would not listen to me I would not have had any work done I would just place and fine another dentist.
Public like to place blame on the dentist for all kinds of stuff. The truth is you have control over what is and what is not done to you. I would say at this point find a different dentist and go to a doctor if you reckon you have any type of hearing loss. At least a doctor can advise if your hearing loss has anything to do with the dental work you had done.
Answer by grandpa walleye
For a few minutes afterward it may be possible. Any small, standard, or long term hurt, is impossible. Look for someone else to sue.
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