Is it ok to leave an impacted canine tooth?
I have an impacted eye tooth, a baby tooth is where the tooth was supposed to be. I am 21 year ancient and it has never caused me any problems.
The baby tooth seems to be getting weaker and is nearly hollow, I imagine it will fall out ultimately and will need to be replaced with a join or an establish. Is the impacted tooth likely to cause any problems in the future or is it ok to just place it alone?
I have avoided the dentist for reasonably a long time since I am dental phobic but I am going to try and overcome that and visit a dentist soon.
Answer by Jelia Antoinette B
If were a baby tooth, it would have been replaced by a stable canine tooth by this time. Is there not one growing out? Visit your dentist and have an x-ray done.
Answer by Delroy L
You have a tooth disfiguration. Please go to a certified dentist to alleviate your conundrum. If your stable canine is shaking, it seems you lack calcium in your diet. Gargle from time to time with salt to harden the gum line. Please also use a soft toothbrush and not a hard one, as the hard one will go your gumline. Best wishes.!!
Answer by PenPress
Look at the situation this way :
1. Unfortunately, you WILL end up losing the baby tooth.
2. Therefore, you WILL have a gap in the front of your mouth.
3. You HAVE the adult tooth in there.
4. The BEST deal with will be to get your own adult tooth into its proper place.
5. The IDEAL deal with will be to get the impacted canine surgically exposed and then use Orthodontic Force to bring it down to the much loved position.
6. There is usually NO HARM in leaving a tooth in there. So, some public get an artificial prosthesis like a join or an establish supported crown placed to cover the gap and not go for the procedure clarified under #5 done.
7. But, a join increases the risk of cavities and later stoppage. Matching the shade in the front of the mouth is also very critical. An odd shade can really mess up your smile. AN ARTIFICIAL TOOTH IS NEVER AS GOOD AS YOUR NATURAL TOOTH.
8. So, it is up to you to choose what YOUR PRIORITIES are.
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bone graft for dental establish
I was watching some makeover show about 3 women – they called them gobble girls or whatever – and all of them had pretty terrible teeth. One in particular had them really unstraight. And then dentists gave her new teeth that looked very excellent but were beyond doubt not just her her teeth sun-bleached and straightened. Or I just finished watching this movie Sicko, and in one scene one who was constantly grinding his teeth “got new teeth” in a Cuban hospital. Do they establish some porcelain teeth? Would be grateful for any info.
Answer by vistal1
ya Porcelain Viners . Some times they will remove teeth and use implants , all depends how extencive your mouth is .
Answer by Victoria
yep, miley cyrus got them.
her teeth aren’t yucky now, i don’t despise her..but her teeth were yucky..
Answer by notyou311
They are called veneers or lumineers. They are materials added over the teeth that makes them look perfect and even.
Answer by dentalexpress87
Veneers are thin strips of Porcelain that are cemented to the tooth bottom. They are fantastic for closing small gaps and disguising additional imperfections. A small amount of natural tooth is removed to accommodate the Veneer.
Porcelain Crowns are basically a jacket that fits over your existing tooth. They are used to assess more severe imperfections and can also assess alignment to a certain extent. This procedure earnings having reasonably a lot of your natural tooth shaved down to fit the jacket.
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