Would it be possible to clone teeth ?
Reckon about it . If you may maybe clone teeth , then denture makers would be out of business. Not I’m not trying to make someone lose there job. It is merely that every one I know with dentures deep down despises them . So if they may maybe clone a tooth bud and establish it , then a tooth would grow back( in theory ) . And I reckon that lost of public would do it .
Answer by Scott c
I reckon that would be a fantastic thought . I wonder if some one is working on it……..
Answer by Bouncing molar
yes they are. check out this link
These canadian scientists are trying to grow teeth from the rooth by electrocuting them!
Answer by Dr. Sam
They’ve really grown “teeth” in the lab, but the conundrum is, they don’t LOOK much like teeth! Hard enamel without points on it is not of much use in the creature body. Check out B.Molar’s link for additional info. (Thanks, Molar)
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average cost dental establish
Im a 17 year ancient female and in about a week Im having an establish surgery. Ive wanted it forever it seems like because Ive been wear a flipper for nearly 6 months already. The tooth that needs to be implanted is the right tooth on my side next to my right front huge tooth. I had braces for 2 1/2 years and I had a bigggg gap where the establish is suppose to take place because I just never grew a tooth there. The dentist said some bone grafting has to take place since a tooth was never held there. So I want to know how much pain and for how long is it going to last after surgery. Im having it done on a Friday morning and I have to go back to school the later Monday. The dentist also said that I have to wear my flipper over the establish for about 6 more months since my gap got smaller from wearing the flipper for too long. Will it cover the establish site well or will public be able to see it? Im a cheerleader and have to smile a lot so I want to know. :/ Also what will happen after the surgery. My dentist also said that they have to raise my gumline 6 months after the establish heals when they place the abutment on . . . how will that also go?
Sorry I question so many question, Im just really nervous and Ive been coming up for this since I was in 8th grade and now Im nearly a senior.
Answer by enamel
The surgery is very simple and you will do fantastic. The pain is minimal….unfortunately you will be wearing your flipper for a small longer. Excellent luck
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