how much do dental implants cost?and dose it correct the shape of the mouth?
my granny is thinking about getting her whole mouth done
Answer by tulip_five
In our area, implants are about $ 2000 each tooth. I don’t reckon it would assess the shape of the mouth. When you get braces, it moves the bones too.
Answer by Raul
A whole mouth may maybe cost you in the 10 of thousands. If you have an over denture that may maybe be cheaper. Around $ 2500. And the implants will assess the shape of her mouth. Especially if she has no teeth.
Answer by toothfetish
28 implants?? who is the lucky dentist that will be neighbour with Trump?
2 or 3 implants for each jaw with a denture will do the trick.(infact dentures with 2-3 implants each) (question your dentist though the situation of the patient is very vital. without examinations even she wants to she may not be qualified. I mean some operations might be necessary.) it will cost you a fortune anyway. it’s no comparison but in Turkey this will cost you smt like 10.000$
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Answer by Audrey
Try a dental school– it is much cheaper. You can also go to South America if you want to chance it
Answer by Skeeter
Safer in the US and in the long run I see no savings going overseas as you must realize all the travel expenses plus way in all that may maybe go incorrect.
Answer by Ucdent
Answer by The Mullet
it may not be covered on your dental insurance but it may be covered by your health insurance. My health insurance covers up to $ 5000 if any cutting in the mouth needs to be done for tooth replacement. My impacted wisdom tooth was covered under medical since they had to cut it out, my anastesia(sp) iv sedation was covered by medical, all you can do is call and question.
Answer by wicha
Thailand is one of best places for a very competitive price which may be 1/3 price back to US plus professional dental care. Many dentists in Thailand are graduated and well trained in European Countries and US. Many of them are American Board in their specialise area. The hospitals and clinics are International Standard. You may find the reference as shown in CBS TV’60 minutes and in Time Magazine ( The hotel price are varied from USD 15 up… and you can pay only USD1.50 per one meal (not in huge restaurant). The airfare is reasonable if you find a excellent travel agency. I can recommend you the travel agent in US which sale the best airfare for me and you may compare to others. Also, I can refer you also the dental clinic in Bangkok with 3-4 choices if you’d like.
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