A "Goofy" Question About My Dental Implants?
I was in an accident and, had to have my 4 front teeth replaced with dental implants. I was just wondering…. Can I bite into apples with my implants? I’m told they are just as strong as fixed teeth? I know it’s foolish but, yeah… I was just wondering?
Answer by Navid s
When the so called “Osteointegration” (joining bone with screws are complete, they will be much stronger than your own teeth, so you can eat ANYthing with them. So if they are not direct implants(earnings operation and fitting crowns in the same session), you are safe to eat anything with them. How ever because you will not feel difficulty with establish like normal tooth. That is the only different when you have implants.
Answer by Dr. Albert, DDS, (USA)
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Originally posted here:
best dental establish
I’m going to try to make this as small as possible, but here is my tale and what I’ve done so far.
In 2006, I was age 12.
I was in an ATV accident that resulted in both jaws broken, and upon impact of face slamming into the black top I lost 4 teeth.
I am now 17 years ancient.
Since 2006, I have had braces to tidy my teeth and I have had my wisdom teeth removed.
This way I thought I’d be fully prepped for my Establish surgery.
Business is, I’m having a hard time getting my medical insurance to cover the costs.
I have Delta Dental and they already told me honest up that they would not cover any costs even if it were accident related, so I went through my Medical Insurance Anthem.
I sent all information to Anthem ( Medical records from the hospitals I was at when I had the accident, a letter of medical necessity from the surgeon whom is going to perform the establish surgery, x-rays ect.)
The insurance is through Massey Energy.
Anthem told me that since Massey is self insured that I need to contact Creature Resources over Massey to see if they would cover the costs.
I call HR, the rep tells me that anything you want covered under unpremeditated insurance must be done 60 former to having the accident.
I told her that was not even possible because my mouth was wired shut and I was still healing.
She tells me to send her everythingggg I sent to Anthem.
I still haven’t heard back yet.
I have a close friend who’s father is a personal injury lawyer, I also gave him copies of everything and he is suppose to get back to me also.
What more can I do ?
I feel like I’m just life lead around and no one wants to pay for anything.
I’m tired of life depressed of my situation.
I just want help …
Any information would be much helpful.
Thanks guys …
Answer by David
Sorry to hear about your accident. That’s tough.
You may be able to get the crowns that go over the establish fixtures in your jaw covered by Delta Dental but not the establish fixtures themselves. The establish fixtures probably cost around $ 2500-3500 each, so keep that map in mind if you choose to hire an attorney to handle your case.
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