have any body put prices on dental implants or things like that?
I reckon it will be excellent to star something like on this space like public that have got there treatment done on dentist and just to say the amount of the treatment that was done to the person and where only the city that way public can find excellent ship prices like I find a place that in san fransisco they do dental establish rigth now at 3000 that’s the ship est I have found I wont say that name but if you interest I will let you know that way I wont get sue by any body they have really excellent prices I haven’t see any body post that prices I find this on march 7 2009 while implants can even cost up to 4000 I have going to someplace I don’t know why they cant say prices on the site they want to see you and appointment cost 150 plus x ray 150 something like that why they cant say just the price if you need something else enlise you know before you go whats the pricesif you have find any shipest then this Im interested
Answer by enamel
Does the term ‘run-on sentence’ mean anything to you? Your thought is not all that terrible, but there is extreme variability in the fees for dentistry as well as additional items in innumerable areas of the country. I do not know how helpful this would be or if it would just cause more confusion. excellent luck
Answer by PenPress
You’ll get a cheaper price if you go to a community dental school and best of luck to you cause what you are doing here is advertising for the clinic that may not even do a excellent job and you are advocating for them so you are going to be the first ship to get sued you know what I mean cause this is not a place for placing an advertisement for any clinic you should have placed the ad in the newspaper cause they wil do it for a fee you pay for the service no matter where you go if you pay more you get more advertisement this is not craigslist so do not post these advertisements about “ship price” implants anymore okay ???!!!???
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Here is the first post:
average cost of a dental establish
I mean the stable replacement for a lost tooth, not a join or denture…
Answer by snagelfritz
Some may, I not promise, call around.
How an establish work, you need enough bone mass first. If, not, they can graft bone to the area. Then they basically place a screw into the bone and place a cap/crown on it.
This a small clarify in street terms.
Answer by Unknown
Yes dental colleges do EVERYTHING. Go to ADA.org and check out all the community colleges for your state. And then call and make an appointment (they may not reopen until september though because the semester has finished).
Answer by Dr. Chris (DMD)
I can tell you that the dental school that I attended for myself (Medical College of Georgia) does provide stable dental implants.
Answer by miss toy
I reckon most dental schools offer stable implants. I am attending dental school in San Francisco, and can say that both of the dental schools here do them routinely.
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