some questions about implant?
1_can i establish immediately after extraction of teeth? 2_how many weeks that unnatural bone establish 3_can? i establish 30 teeth? Can my bones support it? 4_how can work for many years implants? 5_how does feel establish? Is it normal, like real teeth?
answer PenPress
1 Yes, these days they can at the time of collection to implantieren.2. normal coming up period of 3 to 6 months for full Osseointegration.3. You do not necessarily set to 30 implants, where to get all the teeth are missing. You can establish-supported bridges or dentures with fewer Implantaten.4. can last for 15 – 20 years or more, depending on how you take care of them and how healthy you bleiben.5. feel hard and firm …. but it does not work with normal physiological movement, the natural teeth come
response from John Bridger -. DDS
1 In some cases, an establish can be extracted immediately after the tooth. Your dentist will tell you if that is an apt procedure for you. 2, it takes 3 to 6 months to integrate the bone around the establish. 3. I guess you may maybe establish 30 teeth when you may maybe afford it. It is not necessary to place too many, as there are additional, more conservative way to replace all your missing teeth with fewer implants. One option is “All four”, which covers a number of teeth on only 4 implants will be anchored. 4. Implants have a 97% success rate. In most cases they can last your life time. 5. Implants feel like a natural tooth. There is no unusual sensation with an establish.
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Originally posted here:
best dental establish
lLoad January, I had retired two teeth with root canals. Well, the endodontist may maybe not get the root canals since the previous dentist too huge in the post and he was worried to break the tooth. Well, I still had two holes in my crown had to be fixed. My dentist pried regularly really these crowns and it hurt like a guy. I told him, “said the specialist, do not tear on the teeth because they can cause more problems, he finally received from both crowns, but I reckon he causes hurt, because I have problems with their teeth cost again bin.Implantate 3000.00 a piece! he is liable for the hurt? lady I really do not know who you reckon you are .. I very well on my teeth, brush twice daily, flossing daily and sponge down with a germicidal promotion, and the dentist that my teeth cleaned every 6 months. There is nothing more that I do not know me so könnte.Du make no judgments, you just make an ass out of your own.
answer future wife. silac
not. You should have taken care of the teeth in the first place. he was just trying to save your teeth, it’s not his fault. Sun brush!
Why the dentist remove the crown? May maybe not access openings shall only be filled? Why has not the endodontist apicoectomy? There are a lot of open questions here … excellent luck.
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