Thursday, 12 May 2011

My grandmother is considering dental implants as an alternative to dentures?

My grandmother is considering dental implants as an alternative to dentures?

Answer by Megan Desousa
From what I’ve heard, implants can be more expensive. And if your grandmother has a full mouth of teeth that need work it’ll save you money in the long run to just do dentures. If she hasn’t seen a dentist yet have her get a consultation, the dentist will be able to tell you whats in her best interest as well as costs for both.

Answer by Seeker2008
She will need to make sure that she has enough bone mass in her jaw bones in order for any implants to work properly. Otherwise, they can fail and have to be removed, and she may maybe still require dentures.

Answer by Kelvin
The technology of dental implants continue to improve. The huge question is how many teeth she has left? If it is a few dental implants may represent a viable alternative agreed their cost.

If she has only a few teeth the alternative maybe to get some dental implants to help anchor more securely the dentures and may remove the need to use dental adhesives.

Answer by Dr. Albert, DDS, (USA)

Answer by Michelle
You do need a consult on the best treatment a excellent dentist will take all factors into consideration. Her age, the quality of any teeth she has left, and bone levels. Implants are very expensive and the surgery can be tough on somebody with very advanced years. But if she IS a geed canidate they are a better option than dentures which are hard to get used to and tend to slip and go in the mouth. GOOD LUCK

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See first here:
best dental establish

I need about 20k of work in implants and cannot afford it. I need to find a excellent dental insurance plot that would provide some coverage to help me pay for this.

Answer by kelly e
Question the dentist who wants to do the implants the best insurance for this work – as it varies state to state.
We switched to Horizon health care (dental) for ortho coverage it’s better then what we had.

Answer by jeffsalerno1
Hi my name is Jeffery M Salerno DDS

Unfortunately, there are very few insurance plans which offer establish coverage. Most insurance plans will pay for some of the restorations placed on the implants but do not cover the surgical placement of implants.

Insurance plans usually have a max allowable payout per year. For example they will pay a percentage of the first 1000-2000$ depending on the plot and type of coverage. Any additional work after that within a 12 month time period is out of pocket by the patient.

I suggest looking into (Care Credit )or talking to your bank about a loan to cover the treatment you need.

Excellent Luck

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