Wednesday, 11 May 2011

does a dental implant hurt durning the healing process.?

does a dental implant hurt durning the healing process.?

I’m going to have to have to have an cracked tooth pulled and I read that it takes weeks for the titanium and bone to fuse collectively.
Thank you ,JW.
I just kept thinking of that metal post not sealing off or life second-hand somehow because I’ve never met anyone who has had it done.

Answer by JW
The healing process does not hurt. Pulling the tooth can cause slight inflammation which in turn can cause some discomfort. After the establish is placed you will feel most of the discomfort from the extraction and not from establish placement. Usually after the inflammation starts subsiding about 48h after the extraction any discomfort you might have should be going away as well.
You also mentioned that you read that that healing takes weeks. I hope the dentist that will be placing the establish has sat down with you and answered all your questions. Well at least I hope you have had a chance to meet the individual who will be working on you. I would not except any less.
If you want to learn more about dental implants check out

Give your answer to this question below!
Read the first post:
best dental establish system

i’m missing one of my front teeth due to an accident and now i’m reduction money for dental implants but in the meantime i want to get a denture or a fake teeth so i don’t look so hideous, any person know how much does it cost and where can i get it?

Answer by dpmncs
In your area check with medical schools and they will do an establish much cheaper than a dentist and there work is fantastic.

Answer by efflandt
I judge that is called a join (my dad had a join for 2 of his front teeth). Not sure what they cost.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

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