Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Should my mom have dental implants?

Should my mom have dental implants?

she is only 50 yrs ancient. she has dentures cuz her ancient dentist pulled her teeth when she was young. should she do it?

Answer by kjw
It may be a excellent option. She should see a dentist about it (if at all possible one who does full-mouth reconstruction cases). Also depends on how much money she has available to her as a full “fixed” (permanently placed) runs around $ 30,000 and up. Maybe a better option (and all these options depend on how much bone is left) would be to do “establish retained dentures”, where implants are placed to help hold in the dentures…a very excellent option usually. Patients are usually very pleased with the results. Best wishes. (cost per establish generally about $ 2200, so might use two per denture e.g.)

Answer by Ai
has she lost all her teeth or just few? Complete denture fixing with establish is going to be very expensive & the dentist will judge is she is the right patient for it or not. If few are missing, go in for a join which is cheaper & no surgical procedures.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
See more here:
cosmetic dental establish

are dental implants just like your real teeth except better and stronger? can you eat anything.. like bite into hard stuff? do they last a last a life time and do they ever rott….

Answer by Hez
Nothing is better than your own teeth. You will get problems with anything prosthetic (fake) in your mouth.

Answer by Kate
Nope, nothing is “better and stronger” than real teeth. Implants are a fantastic alternative if you’ve already lost/are about to lose your teeth because of cavities or perio disease. You can eat a lot more with implants than you can with dentures because implants are fixed and won’t wobble, so yes, with implants you can bite into apples/chew steaks/etc. But, implants may not last a time – you still have to be really excellent about keeping them clean by coiffure and flossing. They can “rot” in that infection can develop around them and then they’ll have to be removed, so just because they’re not real teeth doesn’t mean you don’t have to clean them!

Answer by grandpa walleye
Excellent advice Kate.

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Q & A: I'd like to get braces / Invisalign, but I have two implants - Can I still get braces?

Q & A: I'd like to get braces / Invisalign, but I have two implants - Can I still get braces?

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Read the first post:
Boston dental tooth establish

here are not the prices, at least not for me.I go overseas (Hungary, Argentina) for at least half the cost here.Anyone heard is affordable? Any info would be appreciated.

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how much do dental implants cost?and dose it correct the shape of the mouth?

how much do dental implants cost?and dose it correct the shape of the mouth?

my granny is thinking about getting her whole mouth done

Answer by tulip_five
In our area, implants are about $ 2000 each tooth. I don’t reckon it would assess the shape of the mouth. When you get braces, it moves the bones too.

Answer by Raul
A whole mouth may maybe cost you in the 10 of thousands. If you have an over denture that may maybe be cheaper. Around $ 2500. And the implants will assess the shape of her mouth. Especially if she has no teeth.

Answer by toothfetish
28 implants?? who is the lucky dentist that will be neighbour with Trump?

2 or 3 implants for each jaw with a denture will do the trick.(infact dentures with 2-3 implants each) (question your dentist though the situation of the patient is very vital. without examinations even she wants to she may not be qualified. I mean some operations might be necessary.) it will cost you a fortune anyway. it’s no comparison but in Turkey this will cost you smt like 10.000$

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See the rest here:
join dental establish

Answer by Audrey
Try a dental school– it is much cheaper. You can also go to South America if you want to chance it

Answer by Skeeter
Safer in the US and in the long run I see no savings going overseas as you must realize all the travel expenses plus way in all that may maybe go incorrect.

Answer by Ucdent

Answer by The Mullet
it may not be covered on your dental insurance but it may be covered by your health insurance. My health insurance covers up to $ 5000 if any cutting in the mouth needs to be done for tooth replacement. My impacted wisdom tooth was covered under medical since they had to cut it out, my anastesia(sp) iv sedation was covered by medical, all you can do is call and question.

Answer by wicha
Thailand is one of best places for a very competitive price which may be 1/3 price back to US plus professional dental care. Many dentists in Thailand are graduated and well trained in European Countries and US. Many of them are American Board in their specialise area. The hospitals and clinics are International Standard. You may find the reference as shown in CBS TV’60 minutes and in Time Magazine (www.cbsnews.com/tales/2005/04/21/60minutes/main689998.shtml) The hotel price are varied from USD 15 up… and you can pay only USD1.50 per one meal (not in huge restaurant). The airfare is reasonable if you find a excellent travel agency. I can recommend you the travel agent in US which sale the best airfare for me and you may compare to others. Also, I can refer you also the dental clinic in Bangkok with 3-4 choices if you’d like.

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Who has had experience with dental implants? Vs. Dentures? Cost? Pain? Success? Thoughts?

Who has had experience with dental implants? Vs. Dentures? Cost? Pain? Success? Thoughts?

Any and all advice/experience would be appreciated. Thanks

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Read this article:
best dental establish system

How about painful? Do they place a temp in before hand?

Answer by cgbaby91
YES they are expensive
they do hurt
and no they dont place temps in

Answer by SilverSky
they are and it’s in the thousands to get one implanted and it hurts like hell because of the screws they place in. i haven’t had it done but a friend did.

Answer by gmw1082
The word dental implies expensive like all additional forms of health care.

Answer by ilikepie1231

Answer by lovepinkbeloved
Anything in health care is expensive

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Are dental implants painful?

Are dental implants painful?

Do dental implants have any long term side effects, such as within 15 or 20 years? I heard someone got dental implants and then finished up having an ache for the rest of their life because a nerve was hit, does this happen often? Does the metal from the implants show, or will it be hidden by the gums? Also, if I don’t have enough bone in my gums then will the implants work?

Answer by Plazzmoidi F. McStinkleshlonger
The metal shows and everything. It’s hideous. You beyond doubt need bone in your gums because that essentially “supplements” the money you are wasting on dental implants that you know you don’t need. don’t do it.

Answer by crzyldy3
Dental implants are not very painful. You’ll probably hurt for about a week after getting them. After the implants are place in you’ll get a crown place on it that will match your additional teeth, and that is all that will show. If you dont have enough bone in your gums than the dentist can generally add bone around the area. So far implants are pretty safe with no side effects, and a fantastic option!!

Answer by polarsolar
If you go to someone who is well qualified then the chances are that you won’t have any problems. Don’t just go for the cheapest quote. Find out their qualifications first. The metal part of the establish should not show as the prosthetic tooth should be screwed into it and cover it up completely so that it looks like a normal tooth. If you don’t have enough bone in your gums then a bone graft can be done. Not enough bone can be a reason why an establish will fail as they are supposed to integrate with the bone and if there is not enough it will not be ‘strong’ enough. Again if you go to someone excellent, the chances that it will fail are reduced.

Answer by Skeeter
I have dental implants (see my avatar? that is my new smile) I was told my implants will last my time. But just as the above poster said. You must not go to just anyone to have them done. With dental implants you cannot choose someone because of price but for their skill. You need to do your homework and find someone who does dental implants primarily in their business with fantastic success or someone who has placed them successfully many times.

If you do not have enough bone in your jaw then it is possible they may have to do bone grafts first.

Click through the public and see for your self what you reckon.


Answer by Margaret
I had Dental Establish surgery nearly six months ago and it changed my life. There are fine dentists in India. I have had zero problems or complications.. The best business I ever did for for myself. I want to recommend you grab as much as resource as you can before making choice, here is a excellent place for that purpose http://www.indianhealthguru.com

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See more here:
affordable dental establish

fillings,renew fillings?
Crowns & last procedure of dental establish sure would be nice too but would be so grateful just to get an affordable plot that covers the procedures i listed in the 1st question. Thanks so much. (if yur over 40, do you remember that song called “all i want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth”? ) …………..that’s me……….hoping 2 smile soon.

Answer by Tommy T
I would strongly encourage you to visit this fantastic site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From extractions, xrays, exams, crowns, cleanings…etc. Even cosmetic surgery is built-in in this very affordable plot. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps and excellent luck.

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tooth extraction will cost medicaid more in the long run, why dont they pay for root canals?

tooth extraction will cost medicaid more in the long run, why dont they pay for root canals?

Root canals are not covered under medicaid, and I can’t afford to pay for it. If I get it extracted, (but I dont have money for implants) the additional teeth will shift, and the tooth on top of the extracted one will be hurt too. In the long run, I will be seeing my dentist for pain more often than if I would just had the root canal done.
Once you pull a tooth and do not do implants, additional teeth will be hurt too.
Are teeth so valuable that I should go in to debt to do root canals? (I am 38.)
Why are root canals, posts and crowns so expensive??????

Answer by Steven B
I’m not going to try and rationalize dental fees–they are high, and indeed many public cannot afford excellent dental care.
By the same token, fixed exams will generally catch cavities while they are still small, so root canals, extractions, crowns and implants are less likely to be necessary.
I also can’t tell you how valuable your teeth should be to YOU. Everyone puts their own value on things, and I wouldn’t judge you for having different priorities.
There are ways of getting lower-fee dentistry–the best way is to get treated at a dental school. This is an option best for public who have more time than money.

Hope this helps,
Steve Bornfeld, DDS

Answer by indigodreamer70014
Contrary to the first persons answer. A lot of dental schools don’t do fillings and root canals. I need two root canals and 5 cavities filled, so I’ve been looking around recently. I did find a excellent place to get coverage for a low price. www.caldental.net Excellent luck!

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Visit link:
cheap dental establish

I had a root canal treatment after the tooth abscess about 2 weeks ago. An hour after this, my cheek became swollen, and I went in to the doctor next day. He said who knows why, the drainage of the abscess came out, and so he prescribed clindamycin, which started to cause heart burns, etc..so 3 days after i went in again, and he opened the tooth said there was drainage, prescribed yet another penicillin antbiotic and told me to restore in a week. i did, and by this time the swelling went down but still did not heal completely. The dentist opened the tooth again, and he said he hoped to fix the tooth but he cannot, there is still drainage. he refilled me with an antibiiotic and told me to come in a week. I questioned if something is incorrect, and he said too early to tell. Well, nearly knowing something WAS incorrect i went in for another opinion today. they looked and said THERE IS NO WAY the tooth can be preserved, i would waste my time going to the periodontist, and that there is so much bone loss they don;t reckon i should try to preserve my tooth, rather go for an establish. That probably somebody drilled too much looking for a root canal…I am in shock with these news. First, shoud I still try to preserve the tooth? I am inly 35 and already have one missing tooth. And second, it would be a lot of money to get an establish, etcc…even with insurance. Should I file the lawsuit against the dentist to make him responsible not only for the hurt he caused but to get the money for my future treatments? Thanks…

Answer by Cali
You should file a suit against the dentist and use the proceeds therefrom on an establish. Someone your age shouldn’t have ANY missing teeth.

Answer by grandpa walleye
Because of the perforation, I would follow the advice of the second dentist and extract the tooth. A root canal would have a very poor prognosis. It would be a waste of time and money to do a root canal, post, and crown on the tooth and end up having to extract it. The establish would offer you the best chance for a successful outcome. As to what happened and why it happened, I cannot say for sure. If is really was the dentists fault for causing the conundrum, it would be hard to prove. But is does scare me a bit, that if he accidentally hurt the tooth, he should have informed you of the fact and agreed you additional options. I hope he was not trying to cover something up, but as I said, I would not know for sure. Excellent luck to you.

Answer by Jasmine
Yes, just as the additional person typed, this does scare me because the dentist hurt the tooth.
Most of the time, dentist take precaustions. You should have the lawsuit and there is a reason for it. Just have the evidence.

Answer by tooth975
All posters to your question seem to have place their mouth into gear before engaging their brain first.

All have made assumptions for which there is no basis and automatically crucified the first dentist without just cause. There is a sickness in dentistry that needs to be fixed and that is the indiscriminate condemnation of another dentist by a colleague just to make the condemner look excellent. It is so simple to tear down another dentist without the proper facts in the case and the bank clerk does not necessarily know all the facts any.

To the questioner – you have no basis for a lawsuit because the first dentist did not do anything incorrect based on what you have said. If you really want a excellent second opinion, you should go to a root canal specialist (endodontist). The remark from the second dentist about too much bone loss had nothing to do with what the first dentist did. An abscess destroys bone and apparently yours caused a lot of bone destruction. This can happen if you had delayed treatment and allowed the infection to get as terrible as it had. Also, root canals have a 20% stoppage rate. Yours may prove to be in that 20%.

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What's The Average UK Price For Dental Implants?

What's The Average UK Price For Dental Implants?

1 tooth, excluding london prices.

Answer by nutnut12342002
£1 (then add about 6 zeros at the end).

summary – all dentists are robbing *beeps* where ever your from, if you lose a tooth that’s it, you’ve just ‘unwillingly’ signed a piece of paper and the dentist owns your soul, mwahhaha.


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3i dental establish

Answer by ivillage4women
An establish is an anchor for a prosthetic tooth or teeth (e.g., crown, join, denture) that is surgically placed in the jaw. It becomes fused with the jawbone as the bone heals around it. Implants are most commonly made of titanium, a special type of metal that bone fuses to and does not reject as a foreign body.

Implants are used to replace missing or lost teeth. A missing tooth can exchange the jaw and lead to bone loss. It may also exchange surrounding teeth by causing them to shift and exchange a person's bite. Public with missing teeth may also have difficulty chewing or be dissatisfied with their appearance. Bridges and dentures are also used to take the place of missing teeth.

There’s lots more information on dental implants below, including pictures!


Answer by ditto06
depends…..go to two dentists before making a choice…..you may not need it and besides it is excellent to compare $ $ $

Answer by Ledreru
I hear that they hurt like anything and are expensive, but if my teeth go (they won’t!) I am really going to get them, because they are really worth the money- they look real and you don’t have to soak them in water overnight!

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Q&A: Where is the best place to get dental implants at a reasonable cost ? India, Japan, South America ?

Q&A: Where is the best place to get dental implants at a reasonable cost ? India, Japan, South America ?

Answer by TokyoLiv_in09
Don’t come to Japan if your looking for reasonable cost!

Answer by vemmapower4u


Answer by gvellianitis
Dental Implants are very expensive, no matter where you go. I would stay as far away from dental implants as possible, and go with some additional alternative. I had dental implants place in, and nearly died of Sepsis. My dentist, that is no longer my dentist, place blade implants in my mouth, and they were not only place in bent, they were not approved by the FDA, and they rusted into my jawbone. I finished up with Sepsis, which is a blood infection, and came within hours of dying. I’ve had 4 surgeries to try to assess the conundrum, but now found out I need more, because I’m losing bone. Bone pain, is excrutiating. Please try to go with a different option! If you choose you still want implants, then make sure you do some research, and find the right dentist to perform the surgery. Hope this helps! Excellent Luck!

Answer by Dennis
Dental Implants are long-term replacements are surgically placed in the jawbone. Whereas, removable dentures or fixed bridges are not considered as a long-term solution like dental implants. More and more public are considering dental implants as their the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth.

Since most of the insurances do not cover dental implants, many public are plotting overseas travel to places like India, Mexico, Thailand and Singapore for their teeth implants It is very cheaper while comparing in US. For example a metal-free dental join worth $ 5,500 in the U.S. costs $ 500 in India.

When I contacted a company named Healthbase which gave me a lot of information about medical tourism.

Healthbase is a excellent source for connecting patient to leading healthcare facilities in overseas like medical, cosmetic and dental choices, connecting patients to leading hospitals around the world, through a reliable, high-tech, information-rich web portal. Visit http://www.healthbase.com

Healthbase offers outstanding surgical services at 60-80% less than prevailing U.S. tariff. Even with travel expenses taken into account, the comprehensive packages still provide a savings leisurely in the thousands of dollars for major procedures. For more and more information about medical travel you can login their web site as mentioned above.

Answer by Jaime A
There are excellent implantologists anywhere in the world it’s only a question of what you consider a reasonable price. I’m from the Philippines and the range of establish fees here range from $ 150 to $ 300 per establish depemding on the type of establish athe the implantologist placing the establish. This presumes that the oral situation is establish ready meaning that there is the right amount of bone in the areas where the implants have to be placed. There are some cases where pre-establish procedures may have to be accomplished first former to establish placement.

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See the rest here:
average cost of dental establish

I had to have an establish done. I paid the DDS who place in the establish just over $ 2000 and insurance paid $ 900. That brings whole cost to about $ 3000. My general DDS is now charging $ 400 for tissue conditioning, $ 800 for the post and $ 800 for the crown. This seems a small much. Whole price is now $ 5000 for one tooth (out of pocket approx. $ 3200)! I guess my question is “if we suppose an establish should cost around $ 3500, is this price before or after insurance payments?”

Answer by tomh311
part of the price depends on your zip code. larger cities have larger prices. i usually tell patients to expect about $ 3000 out of posket mainly because insurance rarely covers implants. i’d say you didn’t get the best deal but you were’nt unfairly charged.

Answer by missdeedee75
Implants are very expensive!!! it cost thousands for them and thats not including the price of the join or crowns that go over them!!!

Answer by Steve M
That is on the expensive side and more than I charge but it doesn’t mean that you were overcharged. I agree with the answer above that it also depends on what city you had it in and additional factors regarding how the tissues around it are.

Answer by Albert Z



Answer by justmmez
That price is before dental insurance pays. This seems like the usual fee for some dentists in CA.

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Is it ok to leave an impacted canine tooth?

Is it ok to leave an impacted canine tooth?

I have an impacted eye tooth, a baby tooth is where the tooth was supposed to be. I am 21 year ancient and it has never caused me any problems.

The baby tooth seems to be getting weaker and is nearly hollow, I imagine it will fall out ultimately and will need to be replaced with a join or an establish. Is the impacted tooth likely to cause any problems in the future or is it ok to just place it alone?

I have avoided the dentist for reasonably a long time since I am dental phobic but I am going to try and overcome that and visit a dentist soon.

Answer by Jelia Antoinette B
If were a baby tooth, it would have been replaced by a stable canine tooth by this time. Is there not one growing out? Visit your dentist and have an x-ray done.

Answer by Delroy L
You have a tooth disfiguration. Please go to a certified dentist to alleviate your conundrum. If your stable canine is shaking, it seems you lack calcium in your diet. Gargle from time to time with salt to harden the gum line. Please also use a soft toothbrush and not a hard one, as the hard one will go your gumline. Best wishes.!!

Answer by PenPress
Look at the situation this way :

1. Unfortunately, you WILL end up losing the baby tooth.

2. Therefore, you WILL have a gap in the front of your mouth.

3. You HAVE the adult tooth in there.

4. The BEST deal with will be to get your own adult tooth into its proper place.

5. The IDEAL deal with will be to get the impacted canine surgically exposed and then use Orthodontic Force to bring it down to the much loved position.

6. There is usually NO HARM in leaving a tooth in there. So, some public get an artificial prosthesis like a join or an establish supported crown placed to cover the gap and not go for the procedure clarified under #5 done.

7. But, a join increases the risk of cavities and later stoppage. Matching the shade in the front of the mouth is also very critical. An odd shade can really mess up your smile. AN ARTIFICIAL TOOTH IS NEVER AS GOOD AS YOUR NATURAL TOOTH.

8. So, it is up to you to choose what YOUR PRIORITIES are.

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See more here:
bone graft for dental establish

I was watching some makeover show about 3 women – they called them gobble girls or whatever – and all of them had pretty terrible teeth. One in particular had them really unstraight. And then dentists gave her new teeth that looked very excellent but were beyond doubt not just her her teeth sun-bleached and straightened. Or I just finished watching this movie Sicko, and in one scene one who was constantly grinding his teeth “got new teeth” in a Cuban hospital. Do they establish some porcelain teeth? Would be grateful for any info.

Answer by vistal1
ya Porcelain Viners . Some times they will remove teeth and use implants , all depends how extencive your mouth is .

Answer by Victoria
yep, miley cyrus got them.
her teeth aren’t yucky now, i don’t despise her..but her teeth were yucky..

Answer by notyou311
They are called veneers or lumineers. They are materials added over the teeth that makes them look perfect and even.

Answer by dentalexpress87
Veneers are thin strips of Porcelain that are cemented to the tooth bottom. They are fantastic for closing small gaps and disguising additional imperfections. A small amount of natural tooth is removed to accommodate the Veneer.

Porcelain Crowns are basically a jacket that fits over your existing tooth. They are used to assess more severe imperfections and can also assess alignment to a certain extent. This procedure earnings having reasonably a lot of your natural tooth shaved down to fit the jacket.

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Will dental work hold alcohol particles in your mouth?

Will dental work hold alcohol particles in your mouth?

My dad said that he heard that having dental work, such a crown/bridges/implants (maybe even cavities) will hold alcohol particles longer than your natural teeth, causing an inaccurate reading on a breathalyzer, is this right?

Answer by Dr. Moretta
No. Not right.

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Go here to see the first:
boston dental establish

How expensive are they? Do they feel like fixed teeth? Are you pleased you paid the price for them? Any information will be helpful, especially any from a dentist as to procedure, length of establish life, etc…

Answer by hmcscoop
Yes, they are expensive. Before I may maybe get my implants I had to have some bone grafting done. I had one establish done 2 years ago and it cost about $ 3500. That doesn’t include the bone. Some public don’t need the bone replaced. In November I had 6 more screws (implants) place in. The cost was $ 7700. But that price does not include the teeth that are emotionally involved to the establish. A dentist will make persons whereas the implants are done by a dental surgeon. I reckon the teeth are about $ 600 each. It is reasonably expensive but they will last a time. They feel just like your fixed teeth. Life young (less than 50 years ancient) they are the perfect choice for me. If I had to have fake teeth (dentures) I reckon my self image and esteem would be nil. Plus how would I feel about a guy I was dating result out that my teeth come out.

There is another choice you can make. My mother and my sister got this additional kind of implants. I reckon they are called mini implants. What happends there is mini screws are place in your mouth and they stick out of your gums. Then a special denture is made that snaps onto the screws in your mouth. They are well-built and reliable. You can wear them all the time, just take them out and clean them once a day. The life of this type is about 10 years. I reckon the whole cost was somewhere around $ 12,000 for the uppers and lowers.

If you’re really interested check around for a excellent oral surgeon and dentist, if at all possible ones that work collectively (refers to each additional).

Hope this is helpful and makes sense!!

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I'm about to lose a top tooth. not one of the front 6. the next1 over. Should my confidence with girls b shot?

I'm about to lose a top tooth. not one of the front 6. the next1 over. Should my confidence with girls b shot?

I have always had compliments on my smile from girls

The tooth missing is the last fully visible one in the corner of my mouth.

I can’t afford an establish or a crown right now. $ 1,500-$ 3,000 for that.

Answer by NIVEDHA P
i’am a girl i’ll never ashamed to go on date with u.so never lose confidence on ur self byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Answer by zenock

Get the work done, it’s worth it.

I had the same conundrum once except it wasn’t visible at all. Girl was kissing me when she found out it was missing. Dumped me shortly after that.

Answer by Kathy A
yeah…missing teeth is kind of a turn off for most public…

Answer by Dirty Knees
I thought you were a 9 year ancient at first glance…

YES. Get it fixed. It’s very worth it, not too much to pay for a fantastic smile. Don’t ever lose your confidence though. If it takes you a while to save up, that’s OK too!

Answer by §♫♪Birddog♫♪§☼♫♪♥♫♪…
I have both of my front teeth missing and you would not know it. I have tremendous confidence…even when I give what I call my $ 2 smile. I call it that because the tooth fairy would place one dollar per tooth. Hence…a $ 2 smile!

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Follow this link:
average cost of a dental establish

I was just wondering, to persons of you who have gotten teeth implants…is there a lot of pain involved? I’m really worried about this.

After getting them, may maybe you eat solid food straight away, or do you have to wait a while to do so?

Also, if I know correctly, they place the metal rod into the jaw bone, and then wait a couple months for it to fuse to the bone, and then place the tooth on top. During this wait, will there just be a metal pole sticking out of my gums? I’m worried about that too…

Answer by Miffy
Not to worry. wont hurt as much as you reckon. follow all instructions and let them know how your doing if you reckon anything afterwards is unusual.they will advise you about intake, it will be in your postoperative instructions. again dont worry so much, reckon about the gorgeous natural looking tooth you will have in the end.

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Dental Crowns vs Dental Implants?

Dental Crowns vs Dental Implants?

well i have to get 3 crowns and it about 850 each to do them i have no insurance. there are additional cost a well. it going to be 1200 per tooth when it all said and done.

or should i just have Dental Implants done ? it going to be about 1,000 per tooth. it will last a life time , and money not that huge of a deal. I reckon i am going to make an appointment and see what they can do.

Answer by l3staz
Well if money isnt a conundrum you should go for the better one which is an establish as they will last you your whole life .. :)

Answer by !dragonfly!
I would go with the implants because IF you treat them right they can last your whole life.

Answer by Swaqqiin31
Im 12 so I WOULDNT want my teeth removed for a establish but if your older than you should get a establish even if ‘ id get crown but your descision and most importantly your MONEY

Answer by Gina B
It is always better to keep your own teeth. Doing the crowns is a better choice unless your dental hygiene is poor. Implants are more than $ 1000.00 each. That is usually just the cost for the establish, not the crown that needs to be placed on the establish itself. You have Oral sugeon cost for the establish, and lots of lab costs involved. When you do the crown usually the $ 850 each is all inclusive. If you floss, brush, and see your dentist on a fixed basis crowns are the better choice. But if you have really terrible teeth, that are beyond reduction implants are the better choice.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
Here is the first post:
average cost dental establish

why dental insurance will not pay for dental implants? why it cost alot?

Answer by Daisy Mae
Insurance companies suck. It costs alot because you have to go to an oral surgeon they drill into your bone, place a titanium post in your jawbone and stitch you up. It costs around 1500 dollars then you go to your fixed dentist to get a crown which is about 7 to 8 hundred dollars. Depends on your area, not an exact quote.

Answer by Joycee
Insurance will only cover preventive care not pre exisiting or cosmetic. If its not medically required to “SAVE” something they won’t do it.
They can close thousands..depends on where you go.

Have you tried a dental college…? Sometimes they accept patients to work on for class…you get free dental work..they get a lesson.

Answer by Medusa
Your insurance company will not pay for implants. It’s considered “cosmetic”.
I live in Maine, and I can quote you what my dentist charges for implants. I spend a lot of time in there looking around and bothering public, so I am pretty up-to-date on his fees. Plus, lately, I have this tooth fetish. Whatever.
Anyway, first you need the tooth extracted – $ 150. Maybe you have done that bit already. Next, they establish the post – $ 1250. A titanium piece is inserted into the jawbone, and during a process called “osseointegration” the bone grows around the post and holds it securely in place, just like the root of a tooth. This takes upwards of 2-3 months, sometimes as much as 6 months. They place a healing abutment over the screwhole – the details on that are sketchy at the moment. I need to read more about that part. I reckon it helps keep food particles out and encourages the gums to heal in a prooper shape. After the post is set, a crown is place on – $ 1250. C’est fini! Your community dentist’s prices may differ.
It’s expensive because it’s a long process, there is oral surgery involved, and healthcare of any sort in the US is astronomical. My sister is getting an establish soon, and she got a loan through CareCredit. Question if your dentist offers that. It is hard to suddenly come up with $ 2500, but if it’s spread out over a year it is more controllable. Just be sure you can pay it off in one year! Perhaps get approved for half at a time, to keep the debt controllable.

Answer by Leah
Dental establish surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America.

Forerunners Healthcare is very well-known in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient tales.
They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and additional international patients who plot to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally judge that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.

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Monday, 30 May 2011

Looking for feedback on "mini dental implants".?

Looking for feedback on "mini dental implants".?

Does any person know if these new mini dental implants are a excellent alternative to their more expensive counterpart (standard dental implants)? Have you had any issues with them? Web searches only come up with positives, has anyone had experience with these and can give me some real, honeset advice on whether or not to reccommend these? Do they wiggle? Does food still get stuck bottom them? Do they hurt?

Answer by LX
These are not used instead of ordinary implants they are really for something else they are used as part of braces treatment

What do you reckon? Answer below!
See more here:
cost dental establish

i reckon i am a excellent candidate for dental implants because i have really terrible teeth i always have and i petrified of the dentist i know that if i go get something fixed that it will just go terrible again so should i just do my whole mouth and if so what would that entail as in cost, pain, and how do you chew food while your coming up for the healing period to be over and any additional info you might have

Answer by madlon620
typically one establish will cost anywhere from 1800 to 5000

Answer by Orthros
While implants do have a relatively high success rate (80-90%), it is a excellent thought to always try to keep your natural teeth. While it is not very painful, it is very expensive and full mouth reconstruction will cost you a fortune: at least $ 2000 per establish not covered by insurance. Implants do need a period of 6 months where they are not loaded, so you would have to do them in quadrants. (sections)

Bottom line, get your natural teeth fixed if possible. (question for nitrous oxide if you are too nervous)

If you do pull out all your teeth, you would be looking at an establish supported denture. (minimum of 2-3 implants per jaw that the denture hooks onto for stability) rather than a full complement of single unit implants.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

Does Medi-cal Cover for dental implants?

Does Medi-cal Cover for dental implants?

I’m 15 and i live in California. I’m missing 3 adult molars. My dentist says i need dental implants. Do you reckon medi-cal covers it. Ive heard that public under 21 have different benefits?

Answer by Bill
No, it’s considered cosmetic.

Answer by Flower
Medi-Cal does not pay for implants. They only pay for dentures. Dental implants are not medically necessary. You can get a join instead, question your dentist about that. And you have to go to a Medi-Cal dentist anyway. If the missing teeth are in the back, it doesnt matter about them. Yes, if you are under 21, you still can have dental services in California, but not that one. Better start taking care of your teeth. Dental insurance is very limited and does not cover implants any. Each tooth costs about $ 1500.

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Read more here:
cost of dental establish

Answer by Audee
$ 1500- 2000 Per tooth

Answer by cesarsbabygirl
In my office, $ 3500 per tooth.

Answer by Debbie B
The cost will depend on where you live. I’m having two implants and was quoted $ 2125 each. THEN there will be costs from placing crowns on each establish, probably around $ 1000 each. Not an inexpensive endeavor!


Answer by yahweh550
Let me know the cost. I am seeking the same information.

Answer by boogeywoogy
1500 for the post, and another 1700 for the crown was what my dentist quoted me.

What do you reckon? Answer below!