Friday, 3 June 2011

Will Invisilign be able to treat asymmetry and create space for a dental implant?

Will Invisilign be able to treat asymmetry and create space for a dental implant?

I had braces for the first several years of high school. For whatever reason, neither of my canine teeth descended and were impacted in the bone. X-Rays revealed that one of these was in too awkward of a position to brought down down. The result was that my orthodontist was able to pull down one canine and I was left with the choice of whether to close the gap with the teeth I had or get a dental establish. Since at the time I wanted to get my braces off as soon as possible, I chose to just close the gap (I really shouldn’t have even been left with the choice at my age).

Since then, my teeth have shifted considerably. I now have slight crowding on the bottom, a bit of an angle across my entire top row of teeth, a shifted middle line on the top row, and a gap in the middle on top. I judge that all of this was caused by the asymmetry that I was left with at the end of my treatment. This resulted despite me wearing my retainers past the recommended time.

So my question is will Invisalign work for my needs and will I be able to wear the system while going through the process of getting a dental establish?

Here is a picture of my teeth. My teeth aren’t absolutely horrible but they’re terrible enough for me to be self-conscious about them. Even if it may look like I have canines on both sides of my mouth, the tooth on my right side (left in the picture) is really my first premolar. Also, I’m 23.

Answer by blacksails
Your teeth look like they would have really fantastic results from invisalign. Your teeth aren’t very terrible at all, and they are symmetrical in shape. I also have a gap in the front teeth and some angled teeth and they told me that I would be a fantastic candidate except the fact that my teeth are too small, so I am getting Lumineers in a few weeks. You should see a dentist for a free consultation.. but make sure to see a cosmetic dentist that really knows what he is doing. He will be able to tell you what would be the best treatment plot for you. It will really depend on your dentist as far as the establish with what they prefer that you do. My dentist refused to see me for Lumineers until after I had my establish and crown done. It does look like you would be a fantastic candidate though. Excellent luck!

Answer by Cfr16
I went in for an invisalign consultation, and I wasn’t eligable because my conundrum is that my teeth are rotated. Basically, Invisalign will work for gaps & spaces just fine – but I don’t know about the bottom teeth, with the crowding.

If you go to the invisalign website, I reckon you can look up orthodontists in your area who specialize in it and you can usually go in for a free consultation.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
Read the first here:
bone graft for dental establish

I just need to stress please help me
I have
1. Periodontal disease with pockets ranging 3-5 mg with one at 7mg
2. Three root canaled teeth
3. Three more root canaled teeth with no crowns
4. four missing teeth all in the back excpet one in the back

My goal is too
Treat the gum disease whether it be by surgery or scaling
Get what teeth that need to be extracted and get implants
Keep my mouth healthy

I have this nasty taste Im going to scream

Here is my new conundrum. On a root canal that I had done in January, I didn’t get the crown place on because there was still this aching pain. I went to another dentist the additional day because I thought it was a free dentist but it wasn’t. I’m going to be going to a dental school to get this all done. Anyways they told me that the root canaled tooth had an absess.

They showed it to me on the radiograph. WHAT SHOULD I DO. They said there was no bone loss. Should I take the tooth out and replace it with an establish or do I take a chance with a retreat root canal and just get it crowned quick?

Did it re-infect because it wasn’t crowned?

The reason why they wouldn’t crown it was because I still had pain after the RC.

Any suggestions PLEASE. Im sick of this I just want to disapear.

Answer by Mel
A person in my family had a lot of problems with their teeth. It is just one of them things. She had all her teeth taken out and never had any problems ever again. If you have gum and mouth problems this terrible and it seems abscess also now then it will probably just get worse for you because once your teeth start to go then that’s it. You can keep repairing and repairing but you will always have problems, so I would suggest that you have all of your teeth out and have fake teeth made for you which CAN be perminant these days and then you won’t have any more abcess’s or problems and in the long run will be much better for you. Nobody has to know your teeth are not real because they will look real. Additional than that your just going to have to keep trying. Excellent luck xx

Give your answer to this question below!


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