Will having bad teeth disqualify you from a military career?
I take as best care of my teeth as I can, but, I still have a few cavities and a filling on my back molar fell out and there is significant tooth decay which requires wither a root canal or it life pulled and maybe an establish. Will this disqualify me from the military? It is my dream to be an 11b and I dont want my dream to be taken away by something as small as my teeth. Especially when they cause me no actual pain or discomfort.
Answer by Puhhh-Tr!c3
I dout it, they shouldn’t go by looks.
Answer by Sarge
it wont, this guy in my basic training had rotton top teeth from meth…they were nubs of teeth that where all black…and they let him join, they yanked all persons teeth the first week of basic and 3 months later, he had groundbreaking new free dentures (he would have had them quicker but the brilliant dentists we have in the army took a mold of his mouth while it was still swollen)
Answer by ontopofoldsmokie
JUst about every dental conundrum is repairable. I can only see them rejecting you for medical reasons if it was something much more serious. They will reject you for life morbidly obese, really stupid or even deep in debt. The debt part is for security reasons. The reasoning is if you owe too much money you are more likely to steal, sell secrets, or commit additional crimes to get out from under debt. But, I can’t imagine a dental issue keeping you out. Just call up and question them.
Answer by King Sobieski
No, unless they are causing serious health problems of some additional kind.
As a matter of fact, the military will help you to get new teeth and will fix up your ancient ones with every resource they have.
There are a lot of public joining the military right now so it is a small more competitive than most additional times in history. They’ll take a excellent look at your teeth when you get to MEPS and will let you know from there.
You shouldn’t have anything to worry about, especially if you are going active duty.
Excellent luck with the Army!
Answer by HDH
You get free dental care on Active Duty. In fact, it’s mandatory that you go to annual checkups and cleanings and get any repairs necessary done before you deploy. They’ll take care of you. If the teeth don’t cause you any pain, then you’ll just go to a dentist at some point in initial training like every additional recruit, and the dentists will fix up your teeth. No problems.
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The rest is here:
bicon dental establish
I recently had some teeth removed in my high jaw. Getting ready for dentures/implants after the teeth have been removed & the infection is gone. I can still eat anything – but nothing seems to taste excellent to me since my infected teeth are gone! Is this normal?
Answer by daredevel
Reckon it earnings that you don’t like most foods then you wont like anything.
Answer by Sugar Pie
it may maybe be a lack of hunger
or it may maybe be from the antibiotics for the infection; they can exchange your taste buds’ response to foods
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