Thursday, 2 June 2011

Q&A: i've lost several teeth about two years ago.. too late for implant?

Q&A: i've lost several teeth about two years ago.. too late for implant?

Sorry to question so many questions..

I need to know how long I can wait before the bone that held my teeth completely go away not allowing me for an establish in the future? I really dont want a bone graft .

Answer by Floyd S….
Four issues for you to deal with. (1)..Shallow bone does not provide adequate depth for successful implants..(2)..There is no current test that guarantees your bone will accept an Establish and (3)..Implants currently delight in an 80% plus success ratio and ..(4)..If an establish fails and has to be extracted you will have additional bone loss where the establish was. If you now have missing teeth your best plot would be to replace them with Partial Dentuers thereby caring your existing teeth, your bite relationship and even the bone. And of course provide the ability to eat a more balanced diet..God luck and I wish you well.

Answer by Sandy
Hi Janice
No it’s not too late.
missing teeth – with no teeth in the bone the tissue is not stimulated and there fore bone absorption accrues over time.
That’s why you might need an additional process called Bone graft that will be preformed during the dental establish surgery.

look at this website – it has lot’s of info about dental implants

excellent luck

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bone graft for dental establish

i have two questions:
first… i wear braces… and i my doctor was talking about how quick my teeth go… it went like 2 millimeters in two days… he was telling me it’s a excellent business, but I’m concerned if this earnings that my roots aren’t strong or anything…. i know it’s silly… and so my orthodontist told me… but i need to take additional opinions….

i did an establish operation last Sunday… my doctor gave me a list of forbidden things for a week… my face was swollen for two days but now it’s ok… but i still feel pain when i go my high lip while talking or so…. is this normal after 5 days?
also my doctor told me it’s gonna take like 5 month before i place on my stable tooth… and that i can live with a temporary removable one if i wanted… shall i go for it… or wait? cuz he told my my cheekbone was so thin and he had to place some powder to make it wider….. if i went for the temporary tooth will it effect that screw implanted?

Answer by yackycritter
When you get an establish you should not have undue difficulty on the establish for at least 4 months, that earnings you can have a temporary flipper that attaches to the additional teeth but you cannot eat on it.

Sounds like you also had a bone graft which earnings you should also not place any difficulty on that area. The establish has to integrate into the bone.

As for your teeth moving 2mm in 2 days, thats very unusual!! Are you having any pain? As for your roots life “strong enough”, only your ortho can tell you. If you are having pain perhaps he’s doing too much too soon.

P.S. I’m not a dental professional, but I have had braces.

Answer by Dr. Katie
Wow, 2mm a day. I am just a general dentist, not an orthodontist, but I would question your orthodontist about root resorption. The reason you want to go your teeth slow is you want to maintain as much root integrity as possible. When you go the teeth too quick, the roots will get shorter, and that is not excellent. As far as your establish is concerned. It is going to be sore. It shouldn’t be excruciating pain. You have to remember that basically you have a screw in your jaw now. It is going to be tender for a while, the temporary should aggravate it but it won’t be as comfortable as your natural dentition. Is he making you a “flipper”, they also call it an interm partial? They will look fantastic, but it is not for intake, just for looks. Some of my patients say they can eat with them, but it is not made for that. If it is not in a visible area (like a molar), I would just wait the five months.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!


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