Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Dental implants in Mexico?

Dental implants in Mexico?

I’m about to check into getting some dental implants. I’ve just heard they are cheaper in Mexico, but does any person know if they would be the same quality??
Don~Would you e mail me so I can question you a more specific question about the implants? I noticed you don’t allow e mail.

Answer by Poofy Phil

Answer by Don
Seriously, the implants themselves are probably the same, it’s the training of the doctors and the sterilization of the facilities that I am concerned about. There is alot more to placing and restoring implants than making a hole and putting in the fixture. The entire process needs to be controlled by a qualified prosthodontist and oral surgeon, if you want a favorable outcome. Oral implantology is surgery. Would you go bargain hunting if you needed your appendix out?

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Read more here:
bicon dental establish

What was the cost? Where was it done? How do I know if I’m a candidate for dental implants?

Answer by L0U153 “,
if you want to know weather your a canditate go to your dentists and they will refere you to an establish specialist

where i am they cost around £2000 pounds EACH and we have only seen a few public who have needed them but they seem to be a excellent sucessful treatment even if it is positively new

have a look on some sites heres one near me and who we use when needed

i know its probs near you but may help

Answer by frdrtd
Dental implants have been around (at least in the states) for about 30 + years. They have a very high success rate and can be a fantastic help. I have never had one but have seen many cases in my office.

All of our patients have been very pleased with them. But make sure that you have a specialist do it for you. Question for the dentists qualifications, and how many cases he/she has done, what their success rate has been in that particular office.

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