can i get my original teeth removed and permenant implants placed in?
i have a real conundrum with my teeth. iv had braces and everything but my teeth still arnt stright and they have bobbly bits on the end of them. you will all reckon im mad but i was wandering if i may maybe get my all of my REAL teeth removed and have them replaced with permanant implants….and if so, what are the disadvantages of this life done?
im life deadly serious guys, help xxx
Answer by stephanie t
just if u need them
Answer by the cats’ mother
I doubt very much a reputable dentist would do this and also do you have any thought of the cost of this? It would not be covered by any
dental plot and the last I hear the cost for a stable tooth was
around 10,000 EACH.
Answer by Fill in Mover
Yes if you can find a dentist who will do it. But be advised dental implants are tremendously expensive. I had one done and it cost me $ 2700 to replace one tooth.
Answer by Floyd S
Whoa….you don’t want to get your stable teeth extracted, in fact I would be really shocked if a reputable dentist would voluntarily take them out….Look, Implants when they work, are fantastic…but, implants are working on a national average of about 82%….A major issue is that there are no current tests that can determine if your body will accept the implants with a 100% guarantee…The fact is, your far better off with bent natural teeth than you are with implants that might go terrible…here’s my advice to make you look excellent. Go to a dentist and get evaluated with regard to having Porcelain Veneers made and placed over your bent natural teeth…The Veneers can be made in a variety of shapes, thickness and color. Get that evaluation before you give further consideration about implants. Excellent luck and I wish you well.
Answer by Princess Belle
I have a fake tooth cause it got knocked out by a golf club (I know ouch) and I need to get a stable establish in soon, obviously my tooth had to be removed cause it was cracked right down the middle so I didn’t have it removed but you can beyond doubt get implants, my fake tooth will be emotionally involved to a nail which will have been drilled into my gum (don’t worry my mouth will be numbed).
I wouldn’t do it if you have to wait to have at least month for a new one place in cause you would have to get a fake one so the whole doesn’t close up this costs a lot of money also if you did decied to get a fake one you always have to take it out for when you go swimming, skiing etc……
Have fun! (not really)
Your friend,
Belle x
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