What hurts more?????? Removing a tooth from yer mouth surgically or inserting a tooth implant?
What hurts more???
Answer by Susan O
tooth establish!
Answer by ♥~Ëmmå~♥
In all honesty i’m going for the establish. I’m still in pain from mine and I had them done nearly a week ago. In the past my tooth extractions hurt for up to two days max, but without the farthest swelling and bruising i got from the implants.
It depends on every person and how the body reacts.
Answer by jahiem j
establish hurts more
Answer by grandpa walleye
With doing dentistry for 40+ being and having both procedures done to me, here is my answer. Doing either procedure must be painless whether you are numb up or have IV sedation. Post op pain is much less from the establish than from a surgical extraction.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Go here to read the rest:
best dental establish system
With extraction of a teeth, how long does recovery take before one can proceed with an establish or a join?
Answer by ggates1982
it varies on the person.
Answer by Erica C
the join must be place in in this area 2 weeks with the tooth was extracted.
Answer by goldenlover
If you are going with a join and the teeth on either side of extraction site have not been prepared for the join then the steps would be as follows:
1) Usually in this area 6 weeks for healing. At this time the dentist will prepare the teeth, take some impressions and make temporary crowns or join.
2) Approx 3 weeks shortly they would have a metal framework back from lab. They would take out your temps and try-in the framework, pick a shade and if everything is ok it would go back to lab to add the porcelain. Temps would get recemented.
3) Perm join would be back from lab and they would try it in and make any adjutments that were needed. If all is ok it would then get roofed in.
* Note this might vary from dentist to dentist, but this is what the office I work in does.
Implants take longer….the administer would be like this:
1) With healing from the extraction..may maybe be 2-4 months..the establish surgery is done. If a front tooth then something temporary would be made before this visit so it would be equipped at the time of surgery. If back tooth then nothing needs to be made even as you are healing with the establish surgery.
2) Roughly 4-6 months healing time with several brief checks in between, poss x-rays to make sure everything is healing and your body is excepting the establish.
3) If the bandanna has grown over the establish screw and it usually does then the bandanna needs to be opened vaguely, a healing abutment would then be placed. (this sticks out of the bandanna reasonably a bit)
4) Approx 4 -6 weeks shortly the dentist would take out the heal abut and place some hardware and take an depression, poss xray..all this gets sent to the lab for them to make the crown. The heal abut would get screwed back into place.
5) Approx 4 weeks shortly the crown and establish abut would be back from lab. At this appt the heal abut is removed and the crown abut is inserted, crown is tried on. Adjustments might need to be done to the crown. If all fits well then the crown abut gets a final tightening and the crown is roofed on.
Again this all depends on your healing and your specific circumstances and how your dentist does things. This is what I see im my office.
Excellent Luck!!
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