Q&A: How long does the soreness and pain last when someone gets a Dental Implant?
Dental Implant Prosthetics
This new book focuses on dental implants used in conjuction with other prosthetic devices in the general dentist’s office, designed to help the to a degree or absolutely edentulous patient recover normal function, esthetics, comfort, and speech. Step-by-step procedures guide practitioners through challenging clinical situations and help them in refining their technique. The information in this practical, highly illustrated book reflects the latest in continued research, diagnostic tools, treatme
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I just got an extraction and a Dental Implant place in on friday, a few days ago. How long does it take for the soreness go away. And how long does it take the brusing on the gum to go away. I despise this pain feeling. And with a bit of luck when I get my temporary crown it will look real and stay in, cause now my fake tooth looks hideous and I can’t eat on it at all. Any experts here? I hope so..
Answer by Cassandra w
The soreness must go away honestly, in about a week. The bruising also. You might have a small soreness with that but it is a surgery, so expect a small longer healing time. Every mouth is different but from what I’ve seen, 1-2 weeks for soreness. Just take what pain meds the DDS prescribes and try to get rest. Implants usually look awesome with the final crown is place in so excellent luck!
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cost of dental implant
Hi, Can some one tell me how regularly does it happen that a dental implant gets rejected and has to be re-done?
Answer by cowogo
I reckon this risk is minimal if at all.
Answer by Vertigo
I’ve just had one done. My dental surgeon told me that the rejection rate is extremely small – about 1-2%.
Answer by Bill
The dentists say not very regularly and they’re probably aptly.
I had one reject with 6 months.
Some of the things to ensure success – don’t smoke during the initially couple months when the implant is fusing with the bone. Don’t try to rush the implant, let it stay in the bone longer then recommended before loading it.
Mine was replaced and it’s been fine for three years.
Dentist had no explanation, just says sometimes it happens. Usually if something happens within a year its covered and dentist replaces for free (counting crown).
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