Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Q&A: How much is it to get a fake tooth implant?

Q&A: How much is it to get a fake tooth implant?

Like New: Dental Implants

If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to smile, speak and eat again with comfort and confidence, Dr. Girod has good news: dental implants that look and feel like your own teeth. You do not have to worry about wobbly dentures and messy pastes and glues. Since dental implants integrate into the structure of your bone, they prevent the bone loss and gum recession that often accompany bridgework and dentures. No one will ever know that you have a replacement tooth. With new development

List Price: $ 29.95

Price: $ 29.95

To get my braces on I had to have one of my lateral incisor’s removed. So, I’m just wondering what the price range is for a tooth implant.


Answer by NYMOM
Anywhere between $ 1200-2000, depending on the dentist. I never heard of anyone having a lateral removed…interesting.

Answer by Krystal G
I also haven’t really heard of them removing laterals, they usually go with a premolar. It seems like if they did the braces already, there wouldn’t be space for an implant (?). Generally it can cost about $ 2500, you have to have it surgically placed, have an abutment placed onto it (a little post-like structure above gums), and a crown onto that.

Answer by get g
You can read about tooth implants and their cost here: But if you had a tooth extracted for braces, maybe it is because there is not room for it?

Add your own answer in the comments!

How much will a tooth implant cost? I realize this price will vary depending on my personal circumstances; I am simply trying to bet a bench mark to go on.

I live in Northern California and the tooth is number 19. An easy way to figure out what that means is to think of your lower set of teeth, it is the second one from the back on the left hand side.

If you actually had the implant done, do you like it or not and why?

Thx for any help, John B.


Answer by brittme
You probably don’t need a tooth implant. You can get one, but from what I’ve heard they are very expensive and VERY, VERY painful. They actually screw a post into you jawbone and then the tooth is set on that. If you have insurance, then you can get a bridge done. That is where there are 2 crowns set on the teeth in front and in back of the open space and then a solid crown is set in the open space to cover it up. Even if you don’t have insurance, you can still get one, but you would have to pay out of pocket and it still will be cheaper than an implant.

Answer by chanellerbnsn
I had # 19 pulled last month because it was missing the other half of the tooth, so i could not get a crown put on it. To get a implant it would cost maye $ 3000 + dollars not including insurance.

Answer by Jennifer B
I wasn’t going to answer this because I don’t know how much it would be in California, but the first persons answer made me! The cost of an implant has gone down quite a bit in recent years and it is not a painful process. It IS a long process. It also isn’t much more than a bridge would cost to replace the tooth and the implant will not get decay around it. Once it integrates with the bone, it is good to go. Bridges usually need to be replaced sometime in your life.
I am sure you know all this already, but I felt I had to pipe in! If I were to ever lose a tooth I would get an implant to replace it, hands down.
By the way, around me, in Indiana the implant procedure usually runs $ 1000-2000 and then the implant crown is usually around $ 1000. By the way, a bridge would be around $ 3000, give or take and that charge would probably be incurred one more time in your life!

Answer by Skeeter
I second this. It is NOT painful. The cost depends on where you live.I have implants and love them.

They have a discount for implants right now.

Answer by Jill B
But, you may wish to read a good article called “Implant Dentistry – The Convenient and Safe Alternative to Dentures”. You can find it at:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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