Saturday, 19 February 2011

Dental Impant - How long between extraction and implant?

Dental Impant - How long between extraction and implant?

Implant Laboratory Procedures: A Step-by-Step Guide

Implant Laboratory Procedures: A Step-By-Step Guide provides its readers with a systematic and practical approach to the common dental laboratory procedures associated with implant restorative dentistry. Written with laboratory technicians and restorative dentists in mind, the book is organized by case type, taking common case scenarios and devoting a separate chapter to each one in turn, demonstrating each step of the laboratory procedure required for the implant restoration. Complications asso

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I am having a tooth #13 pulled on Thursday in preperation for a dental implant. It cracked and I have decay near the root so the periodontist really suggested an implant over RCT and a crown. I cannot figure out exactly how long this will take (other than “months”). How long between the extraction and the implant surgery? How long with the surgery do I get the crown? I am trying to get pregnant aptly now and I am a small worried about how that will affect the timeline on this.
Thanks all! How long does the extraction site take to heal generally?


Answer by restored4god
I would certainly get an implant in place of this tooth. It’s pretty close to the front of your smile (visible). Depending on you and how your body heals. The dentist will wait until you your extraction site is healed, and then proceed with the implant process. Here are sterile implant parts that have to be placed in the bone, and this is usually a mini-surgical procedure in the dental office. At a certain point you have to have healing caps placed. Sometimes implants take anywhere from 4-6 months, possibly a year. During this process you’ll have to come back and get impressions once the implant can be exposed and then these equipment are sent to a lab where your crown is fabricated. It’s not a one shot deal. It will take a small bit of time. You may want to consult your dentist about your keen situation and novocaine administration during pregnancy, unless you can wait until the end of your pregnancy to get started where you are out of the initially stages/trimesters. Goodluck!

Answer by Dr. Sam
I vote for restored’s asnwer, 100%.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
Continued here:
boston dental implant
Do you have to get it removed and get a bone graft? What’s a bone graft? This is the only complication with dental implants that scares me.


Answer by vanessa
no such thing

Answer by thddspc
If an implant isn’t properly maintained and kept clean, one can indeed come down with peri-implantitis, where the bone and gums around the implant becomes inflammed. When that happens, the implant will loosen and fall out. Once that happens, here is no replacing it.

Implants are not cheap. It’s an investment that you must protect through meticulous home maintenance– Floss and brush every day, regular 6 month cleanings (and the dentist must use a special plastic scaler to avoid scuffing up the implant).

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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